Our Programmes


At Glow Impact we strive to improve the health of the girls that we help. As we work with the girls we help improve all aspects of their health – mental, emotional, and physical. In turn, making their journey towards a brighter future a clearer path.


From exposing them during monthly meetings to different careers, an analysis to help them choose a career path and connect them to trade schools, community colleges etc. based on our analysis and customized growth plan.


At Glow Impact we strive to improve the health of the girls that we help. As we work with the girls we help improve all aspects of their health – mental, emotional, and physical. In turn, making their journey towards a brighter future a clearer path.


Academics are a major part of success in today’s society. As we guide our girls we will make sure they are on the right academic path that will help them obtain a reliable future.