Ignite, Serve, Impact

Our Mission

 Glow Impact is dedicated to empowering young girls through faith-based programs to stimulate their souls, fostering spiritual and personal development according to biblical teachings. Our mission is to inspire lasting change, sparking their potential to impact their world positively. Through personalized assessments and customized plans we commit to unlocking each girl’s path to the future; empowering her to be an inspiration and testimony in her community.

Our Vision

At Glow Impact our vision is to create a world where every young girl is empowered to overcome obstacles and harness her potential through a faith-based community. We envision a future where the upcoming leader is equipped with confidence, education, and a strong spiritual foundation to generate a lasting impact on their community. By creating an environment of resilience and love we aim to ignite a movement of young women who are grounded in faith and driven to lead their community to a brighter future.